Because our world is too beautiful to not be enjoyed.

Rate of Change
Our world has a rate of change, uncertainty and complexity that is no longer served by the machine-metaphor underlying our corporate business models and narratives. The reductionist views it allowed, the consequences it created, no longer benefit corporations nor its stakeholders.
Honor Complexity
The consequences at local and global scales, force enterprises to stop ejecting responsibilities as ‘externalities’, but require business’ boardrooms to own their unintended influence. Thus honoring the complexity of this one global ecosystem, earth, that our businesses operate in.
Distributed Leadership
Honoring complexity requires particularly from boards of directors and executive teams to give way to others, distributing your leadership so your corporation becomes more nimble to the volatility of your environment. Sharing your leadership from your direct reports to your front line employees and younger generations.
Starting from trust
Daring to let go of control and learning to start from trust, is key for adaptive, distributed leadership. A very personal transition for (non)executives of traditional executive teams and boards of directors. Most have for decades been reared, trained and daily engrained to lead from a mindset towards stability, efficiency and control in stead of adaptability, resilience and letting go, needed so dearly now.
Relax into uncertainty
Life teaches us that we are often both overconstrained and underheld. We gain joy by letting go of what no longer serves us. As with any living complex adaptive system, this is true for individuals, organisations and societies as a whole.
I enable corporate boards to go through that exact process. I enable business leadership to develop the capability knowing when & when not: to let go of control, relax into uncertainty and embrace complexity. So your enterprise becomes adaptive enough to honor the complex world we live in.
Nimble Coherence
Imagine a highly nimble business as a flock of birds, or as a school of fish. It is no longer positional power and extrinsic motivation via targets and rewards that provide the rigid hierarchy the consistency of organisation. Now it is the intrinsic motivation of the individuals that provides the flexible coherence of the flock. This requires three aspects to be simultaneously satisfied for each individual, and for the flock as a whole: relatedness, autonomy and competence.
Deeply Personal Transformation
Learning to be able to invite others by modeling these behaviours, directors and executives often experience a deeply personal journey of transformation. A process not easily done without capable support. Allow yourself to be held. Feel free to connect and find out how I can best be of service to you in your strategic corporate challenges: