I catalyse boardrooms to unleash their corporation’s pent-up potential.
I work internationally for boardrooms, with (non)executive directors, and gifted professionals facing existential shifts. As a group dynamics facilitator and executive coach, I elicit the awareness, energy and courage that my clients need to thrive in complexity. Vitality, flow and resilience are the natural result.
I have an existential outlook and a systemic perspective. I am a strategist, an engineer and a dancer. A lover of paradoxes. A keen observer by profession, I build bridges and spur you to embrace constructive conflict. My input is as minimal as possible, leading to lasting impact. Trusting you have everything that it takes. All you need is a catalyst to kickstart and speed up your process.
People describe me as powerful, laser-sharp, warm and extremely effective. My approach is grounded in the fields of complexity theory, system psychodynamics, adult development, giftedness and post-traumatic growth. Building on trust, purpose and extensive personal experience, I work to catalyse your board’s development, allowing unfathomed possibilities to emerge.
My Background
- Executive (Team) Coaching certification from INSEAD Executive Education (France)
- Group Relations in the Systems Psychodynamic Tradition from Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (UK)
- Coaching and Team Coaching certification from the School for Coaching (Netherlands)
- Groupdynamics Facilitation of Gifted Adults from the SENG Foundation (USA)
- Counseling Gifted Young Adults at the former Centre for Creative Learning (Netherlands)
- Strategy Consulting, Change Management, IT Management (Netherlands), and Faculty at Global Training Centre (USA)
- Industrial Engineering & Management Science (MSc) from the Eindhoven University of Technology. (Netherlands)
I speak on topics including complexity, group dynamics, navigating uncertainty, distributive leadership, purposeful intent, giftedness and positive disintegration. For more information, contact me today.