Relax into uncertainty

Embrace ambiguity

Thrive in complexity

Together, you’ve mobilised masses and moved mountains, but the game has changed completely. Unprecedented uncertainty and stifling dynamics call for continuous transformation. Boardrooms and directors can no longer evade their core task: to take on the existential questions. They have to be asked. They have to be answered. Head on. To do so, it is vital that your board is an effective collective.


  • Catalysing Boardrooms to Thrive in Complexity

    Because our world is too beautiful to not be enjoyed. Our world has a rate of change, uncertainty and complexity that is no longer served by the machine-metaphor underlying our corporate business models and narratives.

    Board Effectiveness, Collective Intelligence, Strategic decisionmaking,

  • No Atlas

    “I am often amazed at how incredibly smart people, do not see the completely arbitrary value of thinking that trust or respect can be mandated via a job description in…

    Authority, Cognition, Giftedness, Leadership, Service,

  • Grateful Embrace

    I find beauty in leadership In the self-sacrifice for the good that is greater and the vision long term crossing generations divides In the heart for the many by the…

    Leadership, Long Term, Service, Wholeness,

Logo Deutsche Bank
Logo European Commission
Logo Eindhoven University of Technology
Visual Stratgy
Gifted Adult Foundation - IHBV
Natonal Talent Center of the Netherlands
National Police Force
Logo Philips Healthcare
Logo Vodafone Ziggo
Logo Hemingway Corporate Finance
Logo Fox IT
Logo EY
Logo Tjongerschans Ziekenhuis
Logo Onze Huisartsen Spoedzorg

Ready for change? Get in touch.